Sunday, December 29, 2013

Work In Progress

I swear this one will be finished by January if it kills me!
Challenge for Vancouver Modern Quilt Guild.


Xmas 2013 - Tote Bag

For a city planner
Seems kinda fitting!
Fabric is architextures by Carolyn Friedlander

Xmas 2013 - Star Wars

Computer Sleeve for a MacBook
I have found all sorts of vintage sheets over the years and always wonder why I hoard them.
Once and awhile one is perfect for a specific person

Was sweating the whole time that it wouldn't fit.

And it fit like a glove (or sleeve)

The person it was made for seemed to really like it. He put his computer in it right away and liked the button etc.

I made him pj bottoms last year with the same fabric, a bit out there!

But he is a school teacher so uses them for pj days.

Xmas 2013 - Make Up Bags

Quilted makeup bags

First one is architextures by Carolyn Friedlander.
Second one is some random fabrics that I picked up at Fabricana because its sooo cute.
Third is called "Pam Kitty Floral" such a cute name too.
Those have left over fabric from a challenge at VMQG. They match so well!

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Valentine Cards For a Fundraiser

Made these for a fundraiser at work.

To Boston With Love

VMQG contributed to the To Boston With Love display. Showing in the Boston Museum until the fall. These are my two flags.

Bunch of new stuff